True North Ministry

Liberating Imprisoned Youth

About Us

At True North Ministry, we believe Jesus Christ is the key to recognizing the value of ALL peoples, achieving justice and that Jesus is the ONLY perfectly just person who has ever lived. We know this because from the words of Jesus, all have been made in His image and with that, the barrier of the dividing wall that separates races, classes of people and sexes has been abolished. Through the cross, all people groups are made ONE in His church. We believe God loves everyone, as He said, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him may have eternal life.” We believe the solution to achieving reconciliation and justice for all people groups is for individuals to come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ – by being born again to a living hope, a hope which is un-perishable and will not fade away and is reserved in heaven.

We believe True North Ministry is a part of that solution. Since our founding, in 2002, we have offered without any bias the saving hope of Jesus, and we are actively engaged in building disciples of Christ. We will continue to strategically invest in the lives of young people, building a foundation of faith, hope and living skills as we strive to obey Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations.

NEW Indian River Youth Detention Center Program

This past August of 2023, a group of True North volunteers began scheduled visits at the Indian River Juvenile Detention Center in Massillon Ohio to share the Good News with incarcerated youth. Our goal is to guide these youth to follow the path that leads to Jesus and provide them with practical life skills.

We are seeking volunteers and prayers as we seek to establish a new program at Indian River next year. The new program will focus on resume preparation, interviewing skills, work ethic and financial literacy.

If you have would like to volunteer at Indian River or have questions, please contact our Program Coordinator, Dave Sponaugle, at (216) 906-6488 or via e-mail at [email protected].


October 2024

Dear Friends and Supporters of True North Ministry,

For more than 20 years True North Ministry has been led by God to share the life-changing news of the saving grace of Jesus Christ to area youth. We have primarily ministered to incarcerated youth, but over the past few years, we have also been involved in the Akron area providing an after-school program for youth of all ages to come and enjoy a secure and welcoming Christian environment. In addition, we have provided help and support to their families who are going through difficult times.

Over the years, we have seen many of the lives of boys and girls along with their families come into a relationship with Jesus Christ and experience the hope that comes from having Him as the Lord of their lives. They also have excellent examples of what it is like to live for Christ through our many faithful volunteers who demonstrate love and concern for both their spiritual and physical well-being.

In past years, we held an annual banquet to celebrate the successes that God has provided to us, announce where the ministry is headed over the next 12+ months, and bring the community together to join with us in our efforts. In doing so, we have been able to raise funds needed to continue our work in the community and hopefully grow and help more kids come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. Last year, we decided to forego having the banquet and instead approach you directly to request your financial and prayerful support for True North Ministry.

Our plans for the next twelve months include continuing both aspects of our ministry to area youth:
• Incarcerated Youth Ministry – For most of our existence, True North provided ministry, bible study, mentoring and other services primarily to the youth at the Summit County Juvenile Detention Center (Dan Street). We were also involved in providing certain ministry activities to the Indian River and Cuyahoga Hills Correctional facilities over the years. Unfortunately, in 2022, leadership at the Summit County Detention Center discontinued our services without explanation. We are still hopeful that at some point in the future we will be able to continue God’s work at this facility.

In 2023, True North began ministry at the very large Indian River Correctional facility where approximately 160 – 180 youth are incarcerated. We have been working with the Chaplain there to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide bible teaching to these youth and have seen many of them profess Jesus Christ as their savior. We were recently blessed to attend the baptisms of approximately 20 youth at this facility. Moving forward, True North has opportunities to expand our bible study program there and to provide scriptural-based life skills training which will begin soon.

• Accelerate After School Program – Over the past several years, True North has successfully provided ministry to between 20 – 50 youth in the North Hill and Goodyear Heights areas of Akron. We have provided food, homework assistance, acceptance, fun activities and the gospel of Jesus Christ through Bible devotionals and prayer. Unfortunately, the City of Akron has recently demolished and will be rebuilding both of the facilities (Patterson Park and Reservoir Park Community Centers) that we used for these programs. We have tried to find and use other facilities in these areas of Akron but have not been able to successfully operate in these different locations.
• The Patterson Park Community Center in North Hill will be available for us to start up again for the 2025-2026 school year and the City of Akron would like us to expand to other areas of Akron as soon as we have sufficient financial and volunteer resources to start up and sustain these other locations. Until those facilities are available and we have the financial and volunteer resources required, we will continue to provide community services (food, counseling, prayer, etc.) to many of the youth and families with which we have relationships.

Presently, True North Ministry operates with a very limited budget — $30 thousand for 2024. These funds are used for:
• Programs (60%)
• Administration including one part-time employee (30%)
• Fund raising and other requirements (10%).

We are very thankful for the past financial support that many of you have provided to True North Ministry and are asking that you prayerfully consider your future level of support so that we can continue our ministry to incarcerated and at-risk youth in the Akron area. Please rest assured that every dollar donated to this ministry will be carefully controlled and spent specifically for the purpose of reaching area youth with the gospel of Jesus Christ and helping them to grow in their faith. Virtually every person involved in this ministry is an unpaid volunteer which helps us minimize the operating costs and maximize our outreach.

We appreciate your consideration about how you can help us continue and grow this ministry by giving a one-time gift or monthly donation during our fall fund raising initiative from October 1 to December 31, 2024 to help these youth in our community become and grow to be godly, responsible, and caring citizens and leaders of tomorrow.

• To donate using a credit or debit card or by using PayPal or Clover access on our website and then click on the “Donate” tab in the upper right corner of the home page. Also, by using the QR code below.

• To donate by check, please mail to the address below:
True North Ministry
3465 South Arlington Rd. E-174
Akron, Ohio 44312

True North Ministry is a public charity exempt from federal income tax as an organization described in Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax deductible.

True North Board of Directors

Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways;
according to Your love remember me, for You are good, O Lord. Psalm 25:7


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Fall 2023 Fundraising

Dear Friends and Supporters of True North Ministry, Since 2002, True North Ministry has been led by God to provide hope, encouragement and the life-changing newsof the saving grace of Jesus Christ to area youth. We have primarily ministered to incarcerated youth, but...

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